Monday, September 30, 2019

Single Families: the Struggle to Survive

There are roughly around 6 billion people in the world or there were as of 2009 and for every 1000 people about 5 are divorced, over 13 million american women alone are widowed, and many people are just single. So me by choice others by circumstance but the truth of the matter is that over 20% of families worldwide are single parent run homes. How do these people live? Many in poverty and a grand majority of them live in the middle to low class ranks of society.Many of us believe the economy sucks, our lives suck, we think we've got it bad but we should see how some of these people live. How does one get by surviving in a paycheck by paycheck manner? How do you pay bills and eat? Many of these questions do have answers, lets start with a question: How do we deal with educating the children of single parents? 1. Education In the past, if someone had a child that was it, their main focus was raising and providing for that child regardless of the kind education that they had.Those paren ts didn’t have much of a choice but to join the workforce immediately to put food on the table and continuing an education was more of a luxury. Many in society viewed this issue to be more of a personal matter rather than a social concern. Views about this have changed with the rapid increase of single parent households growing to a staggering 13. 7 million in the United States. (Grall) One place where we can see evidence of people becoming more aware of the importance of single parents is in education.It is not a little known fact that a quality education can improve conditions for those who seek it and single parents are not an exception to that rule. That is one of the reasons why we have seen more local, state and national governments and organizations offer financial assistance to those single parents who wish to continue their education. In a joint study conducted by the University of Illinois and Washington University that examined the effects of postsecondary educati on on the economic well being of single parents, the results were not surprising.The study found through a series of analysis that â€Å"single parents with postsecondary education, especially those with 4-year college degrees, had significantly higher labor income and house values and were less likely to live in poverty than those with a high school degree or less than a high school degree. † (Zhan, and Pandey 661-673) Unfortunately, the study did find that only 31% of mothers and 41% of fathers had any type of college education. Even more astounding was that of those single parents with a college education only 8% of mothers and 17% of fathers had college degrees(Zhan, and Pandey 661-673).This study shows the magnitude that investing an education has on single parents to empower themselves, increase their financial earning power and to dedicate resources to promote educational opportunities for single parents. Of course because the single parent’s case is more unique than that of the common student, the need for financial assistance such as scholarships and grants are necessary. With the costs of college tuition continuing to soar, scholarships for single parents are extremely important.Scholarships are designed to pay for higher education such as college, graduate school or some type of professional school. Obtaining a scholarship is the best way to avoid some if not all of the tuition fees and unlike loans, (which will be discussed later) scholarships do not require the recipient to pay those funds back. Scholarships are not normally meant to provide any income beyond a student's higher education expenses. While there are thousands of scholarships offered, they are mainly split into two types, school sponsored scholarships that award funds based on academic performance or private scholarships.Private scholarships can be granted to support a student pursuing a certain field of study or can even be given because the student is a member of a cer tain race, gender or religion. In the case of single parents, there are special organizations such as Raise the Nation that awards scholarships to single mothers. What makes Raise the Nation so unique is that not only does it provide scholarship money to the parents to use for their education; it also provides funds for daycare for their children. Of course, certain criteria such as GPA and community involvement are necessary to receive support. Raise the Nation) Some communities have begun to offer scholarships to qualifying single parents as well. One state that has really stepped up is Arkansas. In 1990, Arkansas established the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund The success rate of Arkansas’ program is astounding; of the 1,150 beneficiaries in 2006 75% are continuing their education or used the scholarship money to complete their degree. Even better news is that looking back on the previous six years, the graduation rate of single mothers that benefited from the Arka nsas Single Parent Scholarship Fund was around 75%. ASPSF 2006 Annual Report). This type of model that Arkansas has laid down can especially be beneficial to single parents in other states. The idea of a community based scholarship fund designed to encourage single parents who yearn for a higher education is something that many people would welcome. Unfortunately, a scholarship program similar to that of Arkansas could not be found at the federal level. However, single parents can take advantage of federal grants, one grant being the Pell Grant.While the Pell Grant is not exclusive to single parents, the program is arranged to help out students with low incomes. Whether or not a student will receive the Pell Grants depends on the Expected Family Contribution , or EFC. The EFC is based on the information that is entered by the student in their Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, form. (Federal Pell Grant Program 90) Generally speaking, the lower the EFC score the high er amount that the student will receive in financial aid and the Pell Grant.Some of the factors that help a single parent get more aid include, low income, fewer assets and also because many single parents claim Head of Household on their income taxes. Like scholarships, grants do not need to be paid back. With that being said it is the sole responsibility of the student to use these funds wisely. The 1992 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA-92) was a great step forward for all students who sought financial aid. This act made it easier for students who were turned down before to obtain funds for their schooling.The HEA-92 has been heralded as a monumental moment in the history of federal financial aid because it really was focused on supporting postsecondary education. While many groups were willing and able to take advantage of this act, one group’s numbers declined, that group was single parents. In a study that was conducted by The US Department of Education, Single parents who received financial aid declined from 94% in 1990 to a grim 79% by 2000. One theory as to why the big plunge is being blamed on the fact that the EFC for single parents had increased from $800 to $1,300 even though it decreased for almost everyone else. Hartle 19-21) What this meant was that more single parents now had to join the workforce to not only provide for their families, but to pay for their education. With the HEA 92 in place, single parents who really wanted to continue their education had to seek other methods to get money which came in the form of Stafford Loans. Stafford Loans are available directly from the US Department of Education. There are two types of loans that are popular among students, subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The difference between the two has to do the interest that is being charged on the loan.The interest on the subsidized loan is paid by the federal government while the student is attending school. Also during the students en rollment, the do not have to make payments on the loan until the student graduates. Unsubsidized loans begin to accrue interest from the time that the loan is paid out to the school and the student is responsible for that interest. To obtain both of these loans, the student must be enrolled at least half time. (Stafford Loan) These types of loans can be beneficial to single parents who must work to make ends meet at home and want to go to school also.Even after the single parent has finished their studies and are on their way to a rewarding career, they can still qualify for loan forgiveness. Loan forgiveness programs are being offered from an employer and other organizations. For instance, if you are a teacher, you might agree to teach in an impoverished area in exchange for loan deferment. If you teach for the agreed period of time, your loan is then forgiven. With the availability of scholarships, loans and grants, single parents can improve their educational prospects for themse lves and their families.While our society is not necessarily exactly where we would all want it to be, one can be hopeful that future social policies that promote educational opportunities for single parents will increase. Education is important for single parents and their children. There are many educational programs for this reason. To assist single parents in their parenting, places like school districts, churches and non-profits provide classes to educate them on parenting skills such as meal preparation, food budgeting, emergencies, etc. These classes not only help educate, but they also help with emotional needs.The website ericdigests. org describes programs that aid parents in literacy, counseling, job placement and college education. There are also programs for the children of single parents. Some organizations have programs that involve education and scholarships where children can take month long courses that vary from the areas of arts to computers to sports. Some of th e most significant programs for single parents are college programs. It is often necessary for single parents to have college education in order to obtain jobs that will support their family.Endicott College has a program called Keys to Degrees which is for single men and women between the ages of 18 and 24 who have young children. This program enables them to take advantage of the opportunity to attain undergraduate degrees while being provided with campus housing and other support coinciding with their specific needs. Wilson College has a program called Women with Children that provides yearly housing to mothers with children any age over 20 months. This allows the women to pursue a fulltime education. Other colleges have similar Women with Children programs, but have different requirements.Misericordia University’s Women with Children program has less requirements and offers their programs to women of all ages with no restrictions on the age or amount of children the woman has. Saint Paul’s College has a Single Parent Support System program. Parents desiring to be a part of this program must have two or less children between the ages of 2 months and 9 years and must maintain a GPA of 2. 5. If they are able to fulfill the requirements they are provided with yearly housing allowing them to pursue a fulltime education and obtain a degree within three to four years.Most colleges have online programs that allow single parents to get their college education at home where they can still care for their children. These are just a few of the college programs available to single parents, there are a plethora of others. These programs have high value to single parents. Along the lines of education, it is a common belief that the grades of most children of single parents are not as high as those of children with two parents. This has been proven. Research has shown that children of single parents are likely to have lower IQs than those who have two parents .Research has also shown that single parent children are more likely to drop out of school, three times more likely. It is possible that one of the reasons for lower academic achievements in children of single parents is that the parents spend less time with their children, discipline in a less consistent manor and have less control over their children than two parents together. Single parents are often working more than two parents to support their children which results in less time spent with children and less involvement in their life.It has been proven that children with parents who are less involved in their life and education are more likely to have lower academic achievement. Income is another risk factor and because single parents don’t have the support of another person, it is possible for them to make less money. Research shows when single parent families receive child support, the children are more likely to have higher academic achievement than children of famili es that don’t receive child support. An interesting fact is that children in mother absent homes get lower science grades than those in father absent homes.Overall single parent children find it more difficult to connect with school. Since single parents have less time to spend with their children, care for their children while they work is necessary. Some day care programs are educational and run through the schools of the children. Programs like Kids Club are after school programs that can assist single parents. Some Kids Club programs are free while others charge five dollars per day. They are open every day and some schools keep the programs running through summer.Children can go right after school since the program is on campus and parents can pick their children up around six at night. Though these programs are not specifically for single parents, they are extremely useful for single parents. They allow the parent to complete their work day without having to worry about their child and the child can participate in activities, some of which are learning experiences. 2. US Government In 1996 Congress proposed a new policy titled â€Å"Temporary Assistance to Needy Families† in response to the failed AFDC program by implementing work requirements and time limits for recipients.Bill Clinton signed the new law hoping it would move more people off the welfare rolls and into the work force to alleviate both the burden of government spending on welfare and to bolster the economy. Many people opposed the new legislation out of fear that it would wreak havoc in our nation’s cities, and many innocent children would suffer and ultimately be exploited. Opponents were quoted saying â€Å"it would liken our streets to those of Brazil†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The effects of the TANF policy have been hard to determine. In a study conducted 10 years after the 1996 reform policy, shows a stark contrast to the years of the AFDC.Caseloads declined and a majority o f recipients have gone on and have been removed off the welfare rolls, though they still receive subsidy care such as housing, child care, food assistance and health insurance. Many are actively engaged in the workforce and what was predicted by welfare reform opponents never came to pass. Teen pregnancy, a huger predictor of welfare dependency has slowly begun to decline. Critics agree that though case load decline is impressive it is not an accurate indicator of welfare reform success.They feel success would be measured by the amount of people getting off welfare rolls, into the work place and no longer in need of government subsidy programs including housing, food, and medical assistance. But the reality is a majority of the recipients leaving the welfare rolls are still reliant on those programs to stay just above the poverty line. In the end we find it hard to determine whether or not the welfare program has helped people stay above the poverty level or has actually kept them f rom moving forward.Living in America can be a great blessing to almost anyone that is either naturally born American or migrates to the states for better life. In foreign countries, many people wish they lived the â€Å"American Dream† life that is so well spoken of. Although the media portrays it to be easily achievable, it is not. It can be obvious to some that living any type of â€Å"good life† can take a lot of hard work and commitment to achieve it. Unfortunately, many American families break on their journey to achieve the infamous dream. For whatever reason the family might break, it usually is left with some types of dilemmas.The most popular dilemma of them all is the financial problems it gets left with, especially for the single parent who is left in charge of the children. Now a days it’s not only the women who are left in charge of the children after a divorce, statistics show more and more fathers are left with the care of their broken family. And the majority is left stuck in a financial nightmare that leaves them with no choice but to seek some type of help, and typically the number one choice is government aid. Government programs tend to give families a bad reputation.It singles the family out into the helpless status, working class part of society. Although America insists that we are a classless society, it can be proven false. Society tends to consciously and subconsciously label every person, every family into some sort of class. Some of the American society has been known to believe that government help is the best thing America has; yet, a lot of people think vice versa. Bottom line is that thanks to all the different types of aid there is out there, it has definitely helped out all types of families struggling to make everyday ends meet.Just like all things, there will be people out there who do make a good living, yet some tend to lie their way into getting the aid they say they need. These types of programs were not created with any intention to make a family dependant on it. They were made to help. People who abuse the help is never right, but it shouldn’t affect the people who are seeking the help they need for the right reason in a negative way that society portrays it to be. There is a long list of government programs. On example is the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or the TANF Bureau.According to â€Å"http://ezinearticles. com/? Government-Grants-For-Single-Parents&id=2673848†, it is a program that offers government grants for single parents so that their children can be properly taken care of in a home environment. Plus it assists single parents' in developing job skills and building strong family units. Another form of single parent government grant is the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). The CCDF is a nationwide assistance program that is administrated by state governments.Each state has their own unique eligibility requirement, so a singl e parent must apply through their local town or county social service department. Both of these are popular choices single families tend to seek for, and according to their personal experiences, it has helped them out immensely. At the end of the day, there are families who regrettably cannot support their family the way they wish they could. Some of them have extenuating circumstances that leaves them with no choice but to ask for the help. Again, no program is perfect anywhere one looks.It does not matter whether it is in a well-developed country or not. There will always be something or someone who will unwillingly turn something positive into a negative. 3. International The united states has its share of hardships but how are situations like this dealt with in different countries. we researched two countries other than the united states, one a third world country the other a more middle class civilized country. Italy has always been a coun try of my interest since it is my coun try of origin, so that is the one I chose to research.Italy is known for their romance not they're high rate of single parent families in fact italy has one of the lowest rates in Europe. In fact the amount of single parent households in italy has remained unchanged . the families counted might even be the ones counted the first time around. SInce 1971 there have been repot of 467,000 single parent households in italy. The european government has established a few programs to help single parents overcome the financial burden of raising a child. One of which is called REMO(reciprocal enforcement of maintenance orders).This is used only in situations where the partner lives outside whichever country one lives in. They too have child support and programs such as the ESA(employment and support agency) in case of a disability these people help you stay on track. They also have job grants an tax free money that they give to parents receiving benefits for one or ore children. Italy as well as other european countries are far more advanced than places such as Africa. They have the same benefits or almost the same help for single parents as we do here. Being a single parent is hard for anybody; however, living on virtually othing in a country with hardly any income can cause some seriously detrimental issues. South Africa has some of the highest rates of divorce, single parenthood, and poverty in the world. These horrendous hardships combined create a nationwide epidemic that contagiously affects generation after generation. Although there are single fathers as well as mothers in South Africa, the percentage of single mothers is significantly higher than fathers. There are a plethora of causes for single parenthood in South Africa. Some of which are larger factors than others.There is of course the universal causes that result in a single parent, which include: separation or divorce, death and pregnancy out of wedlock. However, some of the larger causes that are more p revalent in South Africa, and third world countries in general, involve the ever rising epidemic of AIDS/HIV that affects countless families throughout South Africa. AIDS/HIV is rapidly killing people aged, 19-45 in South Africa and is increasing everyday. There are approximately more than 10 million children in South Africa who have died from AIDS.According to Professor Clifford Odimgegwu, Professor of the University of Witwatersrand in Southern Africa, â€Å"the grandparents are currently taking care of the orphans from parents who have died of this disease†. This creates a massive burden on the elderly who are even more so unable to provide for a child. The ever-present family destroyer, â€Å"divorce† has been splitting families in South Africa at an alarming rate. â€Å"Increased numbers of divorced in South Africa have also created more single-parent families†(Agarwal) than ever seen before.Statistics show that â€Å"(2009) seven million children are grow ing up with single mothers outnumbering the 6. 2 million-about 34% of the country’s children-who live with both parents†¦which shows that divorce is responsible for most of the estimated 40% of South Africa’s 18 million children being raised by single mothers†(261, Bojuwoye). Due to ongoing never-ending civil and foreign wars throughout South Africa, fathers being called to war create a heavy amount of women left to take care of the children and even at times extended family.As well as taking the father and the income away from the family, war leads unfortunately to many cases of rape that results in pregnancy. With such high rates of fertility in South Africa and such a deficit in contraceptives, it is not surprising that this creates women who have unwanted children who they are unable to care for. According to family counselor and single parenting expert Abhishek Agarwal, â€Å"a 2000 report on the ‘State of South Africa’s Population’ showed that the need for contraception for adult women and teenagers in rural areas fat outstrips the availability of contraceptive education and supplies†.A third reason for the absence of the father is the high rates of unemployment and inability to find work in rural areas. In some cases, fathers have been forced to leave the family home to find work across the country’s borders. This leaves the mother to fend for herself and her dependants. This can lead to extreme poverty, which can force single parents to abandon their children. Many South African mothers’ reasoning for abandonment is the fact that foster parents receive more financial support than do single parents.To the parent, this may seem like the most logical choice, to gamble their child’s survival on the small chance they’re put into a well-financed foster family. Regrettably, there are almost no government-funded programs designed to assist single-parent families in South Africa. Th e closest form of financial aid towards single-families is the State Maintenance Grant, which is directed towards 4 categories of state: the elderly, persons with disabilities, social relief, and child and family care.Towards mothers, she will be eligible only â€Å"if she has applied for financial support from her partner or the father of her children through a magistrate’s court, and has been unable to get it; or if she was widowed, deserted or under certain other conditions†(â€Å"The Report of the Lund Committee on Child and Family Support†). The government is currently working on new bills that would call for less restricted protocols, higher amounts, and a wider distribution of help towards these women.There are however, other non-government programs worldwide that target single-parent families in South Africa. There is a program that is run by the non-government organization SOS Children. This organization supplies vocational training courses (including b eadwork and dressmaking) to single parents. They are taught trades where they can make and sell products. They also give some single parents grants to start businesses of their own. There is also the FAMSA, an organization in South Africa, which helps out in counseling of individuals regardless of financial status.Lastly, there is an organization that originated in Rwanda and became it’s first non-government organization supporting parents without partners. Tabara Africa’s main objectives are to 1) set up single parent networks, 2) increase child welfare by increasing accerss to health care, education and other basic rights which low-9ncome families often go without, 3) assist single parent emplyment by supporting vocational training and single-parent work cooperatives without compromising child welfare, and 4) lobbying to make this a government issue and influencing policies which affect the welfare of single-parent families.Hopefully these and many other organization s out there can come together to make a difference for the tragic conditions which single-parents live in South America (Woolley). 4. Emotions With that said its probably acceptable to say parenting is never easy. There is no â€Å"on the job training†, when you walk into parenthood. It’s with basic information shared by friends or family. Children don’t come with instructions. When being a single parent all the responsibilities fall on one set of shoulders. Parenting is hard and painful. Singles have to be strong play the role of the mom and dad.Dealing with money as a single parent can be very stressful. One income and one parent as head of a household and to pay for the cost of supporting a family is hard. Dealing with the ex- spouse, with added stress for the children, bills, and work can pull on your emotions. As a single parent you are also isolated. Emotional distress can also affect a single parent; this can easily be conquered by allowing yourself go th rough an emotional process aided by a professional. The emotional process is management of emotion from denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and until you reach acceptance.In our modern society a single mother’s value is often overlooked and worse taken for granted. Usually children are raised in two parent’s homes. Most single mothers live the treadmill existence. They work at least one full- time job and often part time job in order to satisfy the financial needs of the family. Single moms rarely get a full night of sleep much less time for relaxation or enjoying the social side of life. As singles mothers we can’t give in to feelings of guilt or shame. There are many advantages in being a single parent and there are support groups that help single parents.There are many emotional stages when being a single parent. You feel angry, depressed, betrayed, happy and anxious. In being a single parent you are the mother and the father. To be a successful parent you need to take care of yourself, be healthy, be confident, save money, and attend support groups, and balance work and parenting. Not only do single parents suffer emotionally but the children do as well. When parents split up children usually become aggressive or badly behaved. Their behavior was linked to living in a broken home.There are different situations as of being a single parent (divorce, adoption, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood, death, child abuse, or abandonment). In being a single parent as for me there are lots of programs that can assist you. It is hard emotional in being a single parent from my experience but I attend support groups to help me emotionally and I recommend it to other singles as well. 5. Statistics Single parents can vary in terms of not only being a single mother, or a single father, but also varies within race and age. According to Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support, there are about 13. million single parents in the U nited States today. These parents are responsible for raising 21. 8 million children and approximately 26% of children in the United States today, is under the age of 21. Throughout the years, many people believed that mothers are more likely to be a single parent. Around 84% of custodial parents are mothers, and 16% of custodial parents are fathers. Of the mothers who are custodial parents, 45% are currently divorced or separated, 34. 2% have never been married, 19% are married, including women who have been remarried, and 1. 7% were widowed.In the father‘s case, 57. 8% are divorced or separated, 20. 9% have never married, 20% are currently married, again including those who have been remarried, and fewer than 1% were widowed. Although it’s difficult to raise their children as a single parent, both single mothers and single fathers need to be employed in order to efficiently raise their kids. 79. 5% of custodial single mothers are employed, of that percentage, 49. 8% w ork full time year round, and 29. 7% work part-time or part-year. 90% of custodial single fathers are employed, 71. 7% work full time, year round and the remaining 18. % work part-time or part-year. Men's income tend to rise by an average of 31% after separation. Women and children's income on the other hand, falls by an average of 12% after separation. Just because an individual is a single parent, does not mean that they will be struggling and in poverty. About 27% of custodial single mothers and their children live in poverty whereas 12. 9% of custodial single fathers and their children live in poverty. Those that are struggling can refer to government help in order to â€Å"get by† with their troubles. Among single mothers, 22% receive Medicaid, 23. % receive food stamps, 12% receive some form of public housing or rent subsidy, and 5% receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also known as TANF. Each ethnicity and race differs as well. Certain races have more singl e mothers than the other, and single fathers seem to be smaller in general. 50% of African American children live in single parent families, which tend to be with the mother, 25% of Hispanic children live with a single mother, 16% of non-Hispanic white children live with a single mother, 10% of Asian children live with a single mother, and 4-5% of children of all races live with a single father.Another factor would be age, 74% of single parents are women that are aged 30 years and older. The average age would be around 36 years of age. 24% of single mothers are under 30 years, 13% of single mothers are under 25 years, and 2% are under 20 years. 39. 1% of custodial single mothers are 40 years old or older. Among females, 54% of custodial mothers are raising one child from the absent parent and 46% have two or more children living with them. Children will be without a doubt affected by the separation of their parents.Whether they are born into a family of just one parent or if they se parate after the child is in the picture already. 1 in 3 is born to unmarried parents and 1 in 4 lives with only one parent. Unfortunately, 1 in 2 children will live in a single parent family at some point in childhood. Due to the fact that so many teenagers are getting pregnant and having kids at such a young age, 1 in 8 is born to a teenage mother. The majority of teenage pregnancy are unplanned and resort to the child being born into a â€Å"broken family† with just one parent being present. in 25 lives with neither parent, sorry to say that some kids don’t live with neither of their parents, but just because this happens, it does not mean that it is a bad thing. Adoption can always be a good thing, especially if the biological parents are not stable enough to take care of their child. The emotional, financial, and mental stability of children are in jeopardy in these non-nuclear family homes. since the great majority of homes are non-traditional we never help but w onder how the single parents do it. they manage to be mom and dad in one.A little insight is always good because you never know what’s set for you're future. Sometimes its good to walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Steam Distillation

CONTENTS CONTENTS| PAGES| 1) Abstract| 2-3| 2) Introduction| 4-6| 3) Objectives, Materials and Apparatus, Chemicals| 7| 4) Method| 8| 5) Results| 9-11| 6) Discussion| 12| 7) Conclusion| 13-14| 8) References| 15| ABSTRACT This experiment is about steam distillation by using Dalton’s Law. The objectives of this experiment are to demonstrate a separation of a mixture by using steam distillation and next to prove that Dalton’ Law and ideal gas law are applicable in steam distillation. Dalton’s Law; While Ideal Gas Law; This experiment is conducted by placing 2mL of Turpentine and 15mL of water into the flask. 0mL graduated cylinder is used as the receiver. All the connections are make sure tighten. Next,two boiling chips are added to ensure smooth bubbling and prevent bumping of the liquid up into the distillation head. The heating mantle is adjusted to give vigorous boiling. The first 1. 5mL of distillate is discarded and the next 5mL is collected. The volumes of th e water and turpentine layers in this distillate are recorded. The recorded volume is then compared with the ideal steam distillation law using the tabulated vapour pressure and densities. The volume of water and turpentine recorded are:Turpentine=1. 7mL Water=3. 3mL turpentine -_-_-_-_-_-_-| -_-_–_-_-_-_Water-_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_-| In conclusion,it is proven that turpentine and water can be separated using the steam distillation. INTRODUCTION Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures states that for a mixture of gases in a container, the total pressure is equal to the sum of the pressures of each gas. Where P1 is the partial pressure of gas 1, P2 is the partial pressure of gas 2, and so on†¦ OR In the experiment of the steam distillation,we applied the Dalton’s Law of Partiaal Pressure combined with Ideal Gas Law.Steam distillation is a special type of distillation (a separation process) for temperature sensitive materials like natural aromatic compounds. Steam distillation is employed in the manufacture of essential oil, for instance, perfumes. In this method steam is passed through the plant material containing the desired oils. It is also employed in the synthetic procedures of complex organic compounds. Eucalyptus oil and orange oil are obtained by this method in industrial scale. Figure 1 : Laboratory set-up for steam distillationDistillation Temperature and Composition of Distillate As with ordinary distillations, the boiling point is the temperature at which the total vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure. If the vapor pressures of the two components are known at several temperatures, the distillation temperature is found readily by plotting the vapor pressure curves of the individual components and making a third curve showing the sum of the vapor pressures at the various temperature. The steam distillation temperatures will be the point where the sum equals the atmospheric pressure.K nowing the distillation temperature of the mixture and the vapor pressures of the pure components at that temperature, one can calculate the composition of the distillate by means of Dalton’s law of partial pressures. According to Dalton’s law, the total pressure(P) in any mixture of gases is equal to sum of the partial pressures of the individual gaseous components (? A , ? B, etc). The proportion by volume of the two components in the distilling vapor will consequently be equal to the ratio of the partial pressures at that temperature; the molar proportion of the two components (?A and ? B) in steam distillation will be given by the relationship ? A/? B = ? A/ ? B, where ? A + ? B equals the atmospheric pressure. The weight proportion of the components is obtained by introducing the molecular weight (MA and MB) Weight of A / weight of B = (? A x MA) / (? B x MB) Example . Consider a specific case, such as the steam distillation of bromobenzene and water. Since the su m of the individual vapor pressures (see Figure below) attains 760 mm at 95. 2? , the mixture will distill at this temperature. At 95. 2? the vapor pressures are bromobenzene, 120mm and water, 640mm. ccording to Dalton’s law, the vapor at 95. 2? will be composed of molecules of bromobenzene and of water in the proportion 120:640. the proportion by weight of the components can be obtained by introducing their molecular weights. Weight of bromobenze / weight of water = (120 x 157)/(640 x 18) = 1. 63/1. 00 Bromobenzene= {1. 63/(1. 00 + 1. 63)} x 100% = 62% Water = {1. 00/(1. 00 + 1. 63)} x 100% = 38% The weight composition of the distillate will therefore be 62% bromobenzene and 38% water. OBJECTIVE To demonstrate a separation of a mixture by using steam distillation MATERIALS/APPARATUS/EQUIPMENT 00 ml round-bottomed flask, 50 ml Erlenmeyer flask, stoppers, naphthalene, salicylic acid. METHOD Steam Distillation of Turpentine 1. The apparatus for steam distillation are arranged a s shown in Figure 1. 50 ml of distilling flask and 10 ml graduated cylinder is used as the receiver. 2. In the flask, 5 ml, (4. 3g) of turpentine ( bp 156-165 at 760 mm) and 15 ml, of water is placed. 3. Two boiling chips are added and the heating mantle is adjusted to give vigorous boiling. It is essential for the success of this experiment that the mixture boiled rapidly with good mixing of the two phases.Because the point of this experiment is to measure an equilibrium composition and the initial distillate may not have time to equilibrate, the first 1. 5 ml of distillate is discarded and the next 5 ml is collected. 4. The volumes of the water and the turpentine layers at this distillate are recorded. 5. The ratio of the volumes actually found is compared with the ratio calculated from the ideal steam distillation law using the tabulated vapor pressure and densities. 6. The distillation temperature observed is compared with the calculated value. RESULTS turpentine -_-_-_-_-_-_-| _-_–_-_-_-_Water-_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_–_-_-_-_-_-_-| Turpentine = 5. 0mL Water = 15. 0mL Weight composition: Water = 15. 0 x 100 20. 0 = 75 % Turpentine = 5. 0 x 100 20. 0 = 25 % The weight composition that will be distillate will be 75 % water and 25 % turpentine. After the mixture have been distilled, here is the result: Total volume of distillate = 5. 0mL Turpentine = 1. 7mL Water = 3. 3mL Weight composition: Water = 3. 3 x 100 5. 0 = 66 % Turpentine = 1. 7 x 100 5. 0 = 34 % Ratio of turpentine to water : Turpentine : Water 0. 34 : 0. 66Weight of turpentine/ Weight of water = [0. 34 x [12(10)+1(16)]] / [0. 66 x [1(2)+1(16)]] = (0. 34 x 136) / (0. 66 x 18) = 46. 24 / 11. 88 = 3. 8923 Turpentine = [ 46. 24 / (46. 24+11. 88) ] x 100% = 79. 5595 % Water = [ 11. 88/ (46. 24+11. 88) ] x 100% = 20. 4405 % Temperature, T/C| Volume of distillate, V/mL| 94| 1st 1. 5mL| 94| 1| 94| 2| 94| 3| 94| 4| 94| 5| DISCUSSION 1. What properties must a substanc e have for a steam distillation to be practical? For steam distillation of a substance to be carried out, the substance must be heat sensitive. It must possess a lower boiling point than water.This method is also advisable for highly volatile liquids because highly volatile liquids denatures at high temperatures. 2. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of steam distillation as a method of purification? Among the advantages of steam distillation is organic compounds which is steam distilled will evaporate at lower temperatures, most probably below their temperature of denaturation. Besides that, heat sensitive aromatic compounds which cannot be distilled by direct heating can be processed. On the other hand, the disadvantages of this method are this method is not exactly suitable for all types of aromatic oils.Only certain types of aromatic oils are suitable to be processed using this method. Furthermore the heat is difficult to control causing the rate of distillation to be variable. -Our group apparatus got some problems. The turpentine that has been distillated accumulated at the joint of the apparatus. This is because the apparatus less slope, leads the turpentine to accumulate, resulting long time to collect the distillated turpentine. CONCLUSION Steam distillation is a special type of distillation (a separation process) for temperature sensitive materials like natural aromatic compounds.Many organic compounds tend to decompose at high sustained temperatures. Separation by normal distillation would then not be an option, so water or steam is introduced into the distillation apparatus. By adding water or steam, the boiling points of the compounds are depressed, allowing them to evaporate at lower temperatures, preferably below the temperatures at which the deterioration of the material becomes appreciable. Therefore, as the conclusion, it is proven that turpentine and water can be separated by using steam distillation.It is also known that water ha s a higher density than turpentine. Next, Dalton's law (also called Dalton's law of partial pressures) states that the total pressure exerted by a gaseous mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual component in a gas mixture. This empirical law was observed by John Dalton in 1801 and is related to the ideal gas laws. On the other hand, the ideal gas law is stated as the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas. It is a good approximation to the behavior of many gases under many conditions, although it has several limitationsTherefore, as both of these laws are involved, we can conclude that both Dalton’s Law and Ideal Gas Law are applicable in steam distillation. Based on the result of the experiment, water contains 80% and turpentine contain 20% portion. Some errors might have occurred during the experiment that caused the results to be differed from the theory. During the experiment, the apparatus must handle carefully because it is easily broken. To increase the accuracy of the result, thermometer is used in the flask so we can read the temperature in the flask.We must use stopper to close the flask because it can avoid the water vapour escape to the environment REFERENCES John R. Dean, Alan M. Jones, David Holmes, Rob Reed, Jonathan Weyers and Allan Jones (2002). Practical Skills in Chemistry. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Great Britain: Prentice-Hall Carl W. Garland, Joseph W. Nibler, David P. Shoemaker, (2003). Experiments In Physical Chemistry. 7th Edition. New York, N. Y. : McGraw-Hill Umland and Bellama (1999). General Chemistry. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company APPENDICES Steam Distillation Experiment 2: Isolation of Eugenol from Cloves Background; Readings on Vapor pressure, Raoult’s Law from TRO: A mixture of the essential oils, eugenol and acetyleugenol, will be steam distilled from cloves. These compounds are isolated from aqueous distillate by extraction into dichloromethane. The dichloromethane solution is shaken with aqueous sodium hydroxide, which will react with eugenol, to yield the sodium salt of eugenol in the basic aqueous layer, and acetyleugenol in the organic layer. The basic aqueous layer can be acidified to re-extract eugenol from it.And the organic layer can be dried and concentrated to yield acetyleugenol The principle of steam distillation is based on the fact that two immiscible liquids will boil at a lower temperature than the boiling points of either pure component, because the total vapor pressure of the heterogeneous mixture is simply the sum of the vapor pressures of the individual components (i. e. PT = PoA + PoB, where Po is the vapor pressure of the pure liquids). This leads to a higher vapor pressure for the mixture than would be predicted for a solution using Raoult’s Law(applies for iscible mixtures) (that is PT = Po(A)n(A) + Po(B)n(B), where n is the mole fraction of the component in the mixture). The higher total vapor pressure leads to a lower boiling point for the mixture than for either single component. The boiling point of eugenol, an oil found in cloves, is 248  °C, but it can be isolated at a lower temperature by performing a co-distillation with water. Steam distillation allows separating substances at lower temperatures which is useful since many organic compounds tend to decompose at high temperatures which regular distillation would require.For steam distillation to be successful, the material to be isolated must be insoluble in water. Usually   these compounds have a low vapour pressure. After mixing them with water, however, the mixture will distil when the sum of the two vapour pre ssures reaches atmospheric pressure. It follows, then, that this must happen below the boiling point of water. Note that by steam distillation, as long as water is present, the high-boiling component vaporizes at a temperature well below its normal boiling point without using a vacuum.Since eugenol is not soluble in water, the concentration of the eugenol in the vapor over the boiling eugenol– water suspension does not depend on concentration of the eugenol. The relative amounts of eugenol and water in the vapor simply depend on the vapor pressures of the pure materials. The vapor pressure of water at 100  °C is 760 torr, and the vapor pressure of eugenol at 100  °C is approximately 4 torr; (Note, the suspension boils when it’s vapor pressure is equal to the external pressure.Since both the eugenol and the water are contributing to the vapor pressure of the suspension, the suspension will boil before either pure substance would normally boil. ) Since the distillate will contain both water and eugenol, the eugenol must be extracted from the water using an organic solvent. Once the eugenol is extracted into an organic solvent,the organic layer is separated from the aqueous layer and dried. The eugenol is finally isolated by evaporation of the organic solvent. When   the sum of the separate vapor pressures equals the total pressure, he mixture boils and P =P(A) + P(B) Where PA is vapor pressure of pure water A PB is vapor pressure of pure B 1 Then the vapor composition is Y (A)= PA/P Y(B) =PB/P Dalton’s Law: PAV1 = nART1 and PBV2 = nBRT2 V1 = V2 and T1 = T2 n = moles, The ratio moles of B distilled to moles of A distilled is OH OCH3 OAc OCH3 Eugenol AcetyleugenolObjectives: To extract Eugenol and Acetyleugeonol from cloves To separate the mixture of eugenol and acetyleugenol using their acid- ­? base properties. To characterize eugenol and acetyleugenol using TLC(Rf values) andRefractive index. Glassware: Beaker to mass the cloves, Er lenmeyer flasks(2, 50- ­? ml), storage container+ distillation glassware(there should be an assembly in the fume hood) Procedure: Week 1: Steam Distillation Place 10 g of whole cloves (ground using a mortar and pestle by the teacher) in a 100-mL round-bottom flask, add 50 mL of water, and set up an apparatus for simple distillation- steam (will be set up in the fumehood and you can draw the set up while in the lab) will be generated in situ(50 ml of water added to the flask will generate the steam).Heat the flask until boiling begins, then reduce the heat just enough to prevent foam from being carried over into the receiver. Use a 50-mL Erlenmeyer flask as a receiver(the distillate will collect in the flask thro a funnel) and transfer periodically your distillate to a 50-mL graduated cylinder. While you have removed one receiver, do not forget to replace the Erlenmeyer flask with a second one(that is clean and dry). 2 Caution: It is important that the cloves remain covered with wa ter at all times. Or else, the cloves will burn and smoke!Also, the distillation has to be steady. If not the mixture will foam and the foam will drop down the condenser into the receiving flask. And this would contaminate the distillate. Save the distillate in a tightly capped bottle for the following week. Week 2: Separation of Eugenol and Acetyleugenol via acid/base extraction Place the 50 mL of distillate in a 125-mL separatory funnel and extract with three 10-mL portions of dichloromethane. Combine the dichloromethane extracts and reserve 1 mL for thin layer chromatography. teacher will explain this step) To separate eugenol from acetyleugenol: pour back the dichloromethane extracts into the separatory funnel, extract the dichloromethane solution with 5% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. Carry out this extraction three times, using 5-mL portions of sodium hydroxide each time. KEEP the aqueous extracts (it contains eugenol) and dry the organic layer over sodium sulfate (add eno ugh so the drying agent no longer clumps together but appears to be a dry powder as it settles in the solution).Swirl the flask to complete the drying process and let the drying agent settle for 1 minute before decanting into a DRY and TARED Erlenmeyer flask, rinse the drying agent with two 2-mL portions of dichloromethane. Evaporate the solution on a steam bath, the residue should be aetyleugenol. Acidify the combined aqueous extracts to pH 1 with concentrated hydrochloric acid (use Litmus paper to monitor the pH), and then extract the eugenol with three 5-mL portions of dichloromethane.Dry the combined extracts over sodium sulfate, as done before, decant into a DRY and TARED Erlenmeyer flask, and evaporate the solution on a steam bath, the residue should be eugenol. Cleaning Up: Combine all aqueous layers, neutralize with sodium carbonate, dilute with water, and flush down the drain. Any solutions containing dichloromethane should be placed in the halogenated organic waste contain er. Wash up all glassware with soap and water. Analysis: Calculate the weight percent yields of eugenol and acetyleugenol oils based on the weight of cloves used. Analyze your products sing refraction index. Analyze your products using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Eluent: dicloromethane-hexane (1:2 or 2:1)Vizualization: under UV light and iodine chamber AS Co AE AS – Acetyleugenol Standard Co – Co-spot AE – Acetyleugenol Extract ES Co EE ES – Eugenol Standard Co – Co-spot EE – Eugenol Extract ES Co CM ES – Eugenol Standard Co – Co-spot CM – Crude Mixture First a TLC plate is prepared by spotting the purified unknown and an authentic sample of each possible compound. Then the TLC plate is developed. For the next step (co-spotting), an authentic sample of the 3 ompound closest in Rf value to the unknown is chosen. TLC co-spotting of a second plate allows for preliminary identification of your compound. Three spots are applied to the adsorbent on the baseline of the TLC plate: the purified unknown, an authentic sample, and a co-spot of unknown and authentic sample. If the developed TLC plate shows only one row of spots, it can be concluded that the unknown has been purifed, and that the unknown is possibly the same compound as the authentic sample.However, because Rf values are relative, not absolute, some compounds may have very similar Rf values Pre- ­? ab: FOR WEEK 1 only: All the required formulae for the caculations have been presented here. Hence googling is not required. MSDS is required for the following chemicals: Eugenol and acetyl eugenol. Pre- ­? lab should be complete to the best of your ability before the lab. Answers will be discussed during the lab. For the procedure : You will draw the glassware set up when you come to the lab; Just come prepared with titles, objectives, MSDS. Questions from pre-lab should ensure that you have understood the theory behind WEEK 1 ; Distillation . 1a. What is the vapour pressure of benzene at 80 egrees celcius. Explain the term vapour pressure. 1b. What is an azeotrope? How would the term azeotrope apply in this experiment? 2a. The vapor pressure of water at 99oC is 733 torr. What is the vapor pressure of eugenol that codistills at this temperature? The amount of the substance X that co- ­? distills together with the water is given by Pwater/px = nwater/nx n(water) = moles of water n(X)= moles of Eugenol 2b. Calculate the mass of eugenol that co-distills with each gram of water at 99oC. How many grams of water must be distilled to steam distill 2 grams of eugenol from an aqueous solution?Calculate mass% for both eugenol and water. 3. What is the difference between essential oil and fatty oil? What would be suitable IUPAC name for eugenol and acetyl eugenol? 4. Based on the formulae presented so far, cite one disadvantage of steam distillation of organic compounds. 5. Steam distillation may be used to separate a mixture of 4- ­? nitrophenol and 2- ­? nitrophenol. The 2- ­? nitrophenol distills at 93 degrees but the 4- ­? nitrophenol does not. Explain. 6. List your observations during the lab: Record the temperatures at various times, nature of the distillate, odour†¦.. 4

Friday, September 27, 2019

See description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

See description - Essay Example Further, a context of experience is provided by narration of a personal experience with a company that has used joint venture in foreign expansion. The paper finally concludes that, as apparent in the concept and the context, strategic planning, congruity between the national and organizational cultures between the two entities as well as communications play an important part in order for a joint venture to be successful. When an opportunity is beyond one companys ability in terms of knowledge and resources, most companies resort to forming joint ventures in order to take advantage of the opportunity. While these joint ventures can take place between any entities that wish to combine their expertise and resources for the hope of sharing the gains from the venture, joint ventures are more common on the international business arena (Rod 2009). With the onset of glottalization, joint venture is a usual entry strategy to another geographic market. There are many reasons why companies or entities would resort to forming a joint venture. For one, in many other geographic markets, the entry of an foreign entity is hindered by laws of the land (Makino et al 2007). It is very common that for foreign entities to enter the local market, they must do it by partnering with a local entity, and forming a venture, or an alliance (Chen, Park & Newburry 2009). In the case of the joint venture, the two entities share the stakes in the equity of the newly-formed JV entity. Depending on the terms of the agreement, in most international joint ventures, the local entitys major role is to serve as the gateway to the local market, sometimes in terms of marketing and distribution knowledge, or more depending on the agreement. This is another reason for a company that has global expansion plans to adopt joint ventures—local knowledge of marketing and distribution in order to offer targeted products to certain segments of the market (Makino et al 2007). By taking

Information Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Information Technology - Research Paper Example The results of the research showed that information technology is an ever-growing professional field which has increased the demand of IT professionals all over the world. Information technology is one of the most progressive professional fields of the present world. It mainly refers to the use of computer systems and networks for storing, processing, and retrieving data or information required to run different business processes. Earlier, the use of the term ‘Information Technology’ was limited to banks and hospitals where employees needed to store and retrieve information on regular basis to perform different activities. With the increase in the use of information technology in every field of life, the need of information technology professionals also rose at a great pace. Today, one can observe that almost every university of the world offers different course related to information technology and more and more people are getting admission in those courses to become information technology experts. Basic education for all IT professionals is almost same, which is graduation in computer sciences. However, specialization courses may differ for each field of study. People who want to establish their careers in computer programming usually do Bachelors in Computer Sciences as this course contains all necessary subjects related to computer programming. On the other hand, people who want to become software engineers usually do Bachelors in Software Engineering which contain all subjects related to system engineering,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is Infinity Possible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is Infinity Possible - Essay Example A mathematician just have to round off the figure in order to mark the end of the mathematical problem otherwise the sequence would be written to the length of an equator and still fails to end. These are some few examples that prove the existence of infinity. To conceptualize this in a thought, if everything in existence is put in a box and sealed tight, it means that a boundary has been created between what is inside the box and what is out side the box. In this line of thinking, one can possibly end up to a conclusion that all that is out side the box is a continuation of all that is inside the box be it space, solid, liquid or a gas. What is infinite therefore is that that can never be measured and ca never be traced to an origin. Religiously, the Almighty God can be logically viewed as infinite. This is because no matter how hard mankind can try to understand His origin, there will never be a definite answer (Gökdeniz & Dilek p12). He is the Alfa and the Omega. He has always been there, is there and will always be there forever more. These words from the scripture suggest that God’s existence is infinite; and never dies. Regardless of what the atheists and the theists think of this, the concept of infinity has been present ed. The quality of infinity is infinite and infinity therefore is the quality that is applicable to a number of infinite qualities. Think of space and beyond; it is endless and this is infinity; think of matter; think of levels of life forms in the universe and intelligence levels; think of the largest and the smallest thing that can ever be, and think of time. These are all forms that can only be traced to infinite dimensions proving that infinity does not only exist in numbers but exist in the physical realm as well (Cleqq p158). If only someone can prove of an existence that is beyond infinity or give a word that gives this extension a meaning,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How does information technology enable strategy in travel Assignment

How does information technology enable strategy in travel - Assignment Example Customer relationship management has also been facilitated through technology. The use of technology has allowed Airlines to enable their customers to make inquiries about travel arrangements into which immediate feedback is given via their customer care function. Additionally, communication with travel agents has been facilitated through technology which in return has allowed Airlines to effectively meet the needs and preferences of their customers as one of the objectives of strategic management (Gasson 1). More importantly, the application of technology has allowed companies within the travel and tourism sector to effectively monitor travel. This involves the use of travel tracking systems for Airlines. As a result of this, travel companies which employ these services are more reliable and secure to travel with their flights. Therefore, technology is argued to be a strategic plan that the travel companies have employed to attract and retain customers and in this regard make these companies more competitive within the travel business (Lewis, Janjaap and Alexander 24). Strategic management within air travel business involves marketing of travel services to current and new markets. Technology has been used as one of the enablers of marketing and promotion for airlines. This is achieved through the use of websites by air travel companies to communicate their business strategy, services, safety and reliability to their clients. In addition, the association of airlines with accommodation and hotel industry as presented within travel websites has made the travel companies more appealing (Gasson

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Economic - Assignment Example In the perfect competition case the focus of the discussion is break-even profits in the long run. In the perfect competition scenario the emphasis of the analysis is on product differentiation strategy. In our first case we have small firm operating in a very competitive environment. The type of environment this company is dealing with can be categorized in economic terms as a perfect competition market structure. Perfect competition is an economic market structure that has many sellers and buyers participating where the firms sell identical products which allows for customers to substitute goods or services with ease (Investopedia, 2009). In this market structure the barriers of entry as low. The low barriers of entry create easy access for suitors to participate in the marketplace. Due to the intense competition companies often leave the marketplace. The fact that products are similar in nature allows for many substitute products to appear. A good example of businesses that participate in perfect competition is the agricultural industry players. In perfect competition the formula to determine profits is price equals marginal costs equals marginal revenues (P=MC=MR). A qualitative interpretation of this formula is that there are cero economic profits achieved in the long run. Since the sellers realize the existence of the zero profit phenomenon merchants are not worried as much about unitary profits in the short run, they instead concentrate on accumulating profits over the long survival. Survival for companies operation under perfect competition is the sign of success. Appendix A shows a graphical illustration of profit behavior under perfect competition. Case b in the graph illustrates the zero profit long run scenario. Appendix B provides more details about the equilibrium that creates a break even profit. Understanding the true reasons why there is not profit in this market structure in the long run is not really that complicated. The profits and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Problems Faced By Project Managers When Attempting To Weld the Essay - 1

Problems Faced By Project Managers When Attempting To Weld the Temporary Taskforce - Essay Example This essay explores the temporary taskforce as a group â€Å"composed of members from different departments that can create a new way of working from which the members can learn and bring the new methods back to their obligations†. This is considered a parallel learning methodology that is proactive to identify proper workflow charting and assess the entire project using team member expertise to formulate a total, working plan of action for the launch of the project team. The first issue involved in setting up a project team is identified roles and obligations and how to establish a hierarchy of command and control. Stys suggests that it is necessary to include the construction manager to the team during early planning efforts due to their specialized knowledge and experience in construction projects. The construction manager in most instances is accustomed to the supply, cost and labor concerns that arise in construction projects and can bring economic and hierarchical struct uring experience to help develop an appropriate workflow chart to ensure proper communication channels are established and assist the project manager in cost recognition and accounting activities. â€Å"Every construction project is unique with its own problems†. The temporary taskforce, depending on the individuals chosen to represent each workgroup or function, has individual knowledge about their area of interest as it relates to the construction project and can, therefore, brainstorm ideas or offer suggestions based on previous experience, successes, and failures when working on diverse construction projects. The project manager, himself, is not equipped to consider all of the different problems that might be incurred in real-time during a complex construction phase and thus bringing this form of knowledge to the preliminary planning stages ensures a proper development of structure, role identification, and communications channel.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

MAC Brand Analysis Essay Example for Free

MAC Brand Analysis Essay 1.0 Introduction The cosmetic industry is very competitive industry where product benefits and brand image are keys to success. The purpose of this report is to present an analysis of the brand M.A.C and its product lipstick with focus on T-C-B and I-D-U analysis, a clear positioning statement and target audience (s) including brand loyalty categories. The purpose at the end of this assignment is to have an understanding of what objective M.A.C needs to focus on for a creative strategy in the second part of this assignment. 2.0 Brand Product Description The type of product selected for the positioning exercise is lipstick; the specific brand selected is M.A.C cosmetics owned by Estlee Lauder Corporation. It is noted that â€Å"lipstick† is a product description and is not owed but the company thus demonstrating M.A.C is one brand corporation. To determine if M.A.C has a strong market positioning within the women’s cosmetic industry particularly with their lipstick product both secondary research (trade publications) and individual â€Å"depth† interviews were conduct (see Appendix A ), and will be used for evaluation and conclusion. 3.0 Analysis The tools/models used for determining M.A.C’s market position were T.C.B IDU models. The T-C-B model was used as a baseline for a serious of questions to guide a particular set of respondents that M.A.C caters for and is aiming to achieve a strong market position in this select category. 3.1 T-C-B 3.1.1 The Target Customer (T) Positioning The primary target demographic for any brand of lipstick is female. The types of consumers that are interested in bold colour selection, wanting to feel sexy and fashionable and want a lipstick that fit into their own personal style are M.A.C’s target audience. Thus the respondents used for this analysis are young fashionable conscious individual who seeking a look without compromising on the fashion trends. 3.1.2 The Category need (C) Positioning There are many needs that the product lipstick needs to satisfy to the consumer. The general needs that all lipstick must fill are coverage or â€Å"staying power† and hydration (lips not drying out) this was concluded form appendix A. The needs that M.A.C lipstick specifically fills can be divided into physical needs and the emotional needs. The most important physical needs as identify by â€Å"in-depth interviews† were a good range of colours and appealing packaging. The most important emotional needs stated through in depth interviews were the social and individual needs. 3.1.3 Benefits (B) Positioning To conclude that the following Key benefits were important to M.A.C target audience and the company and fill the category needs were drawn from the various responses from the in-depth interviews. These benefits are a â€Å"way in† to increase and maintain the target market (T). M.A.C fills the physical need being the large range of colours of lipstick by having the largest range of lipstick colours with 136 shades in their permanent collection not including the releases of new limited every few week. Compare to Bobbi Brown have only 36 shades in their permanent collection and Chanel which has 67 shades this was discovered through secondary research and by confirming this with in-depth interviews.When comparing the pictures of various packaging of different brands of lipstick in the in-depth interviews stimuli used to help identify benefits of the lipstick category to understand the various competing it was concluded that M.A.C packaging as describe by the respondents as simple , plastic/glass, eye-catching, chic, stylish and high product. Social needs is satisfied by belonging to a group. M.A.C associates itself with fashion, prestige beauty and youth culture and markets their product through testimonials and word of mouth via fashion shows and celebrities. Consumers who use M.A.C lipstick are â€Å"automatically† introduced to the M.A.C culture and their social need is satisfied. The need of individual is the biggest focus of M.A.C lipstick. An individual may have a need for self-expression and this is expressed by fashion and style. M.A.C realised that it could satisfy this need by simple product packaging made of plastic or glass; products have straight forward names and trend setting colours. 3.2 I-D-U Analysis 3.2.1 Central versus differentiated benefit positioning M.A.C lipstick adopts differentiated positioning on at least one important benefit. For instance M.A.C is functionally different bright range of colours and its target user is â€Å"individualists who express through fashion†. Rather than central positioning as the women’s industry is so competitive and to be successful M.A.C lipstick positioning will deliver better results for the corporation. As M.A.C lipstick is not seen as the consumer as â€Å"best of its kind† through in-depth interviews. 3.2.2 Emphasized benefit: Instinctual, archetypal, emotional or rational The benefit to be emphasized as the key benefit of M.A.C lipstick is the large range of colours to select from. This is emphasized as an both a functional benefit and emotional benefit proposition and uses type 2 of emotion. As M.A.C lipstick uses the strong appeal of being fashionable and sexy with a large range of colours to choose from as a transformational positive ending motivating emotion as evidence by the in-depth interviews. 3.2.3 Entry-tickets benefits The benefits what the consumer expects for M.A.C is to have a large range of colour for being a lipstick product category. However the consumers of M.A.C lipstick are told that M.A.C lipstick have the biggest range of colours through the professional make-up artist as employees through the M.A.C social network (twitter, Facebook) It was concluded that M.A.C lip colour range is the key benefit that make M.A.C should focus on promoting to the target consumer as it is the closes to the â€Å"ideal brand in that benefit when comparing 5 other brands. M.A.C clear delivery of the range of lip colours and their uniqueness set them apart from other brand. 4.0 Positioning Statement Target audience 4.1 Positioning statement Determine the positioning statement for M.A.C from the TCB and IDU analysis the findings from the brand analysis are the following; The competitors of M.A.C are not just the leaders in women’s cosmetics lipstick but range from all companies that have a stake in the cosmetics industry. A perceptual map was devised from the in-depth interviews for an easy diagram showed all the competitors. (Appendix) These are all the competitors that must be taken into consideration when developing the positioning statement. Using the Rossiter-Percy-Bellman Grid it is establish that the product is acceptable in the low involvement, transformational sector this was further confirmed with the in-depth interviews. The attribute that were important to the consumers when evaluating the product of women’s lipstick these were discovered as; fashionable, sexy, range of colours, smoothness, staying power and hydration these where then rank or delivery and uniqueness by the top 5 main competitors and no-brand as all the other competitors see appendix B and C. Based on the IDU analysis and consumer research see appendix A, B C it was determined how each competitor is positioned in the vision of the consumer. The top two main competitors of M.A.C were to be considered as Chanel and Bobbi Brown based on both higher end pricing and a large colour option pallet and are to be consider the leaders in the women’s cosmetics:- lipstick industry. So M.A.C needs to offer the consumer something very unique in the positioning statement to have brand differentiation to increase and maintain the target market. The various factors that distinguish the M.A.C consumer and their lifestyle, their purchase motivations and their different attributes that are important to them were concluded from the research (Appendix A). The positioning statement:- M.A.C is the women’s cosmetic brand that provides consumers lipstick to women who are 18-30 and belongs to the socioeconomic class of middle-high (T), M.A.C lipstick satisfies the need of self-expression in every women to be fashion forward and be accepted in the M.A.C culture (C) M.A.C’s benefit intention is to have the largest selection of lip colours, the most fashion forward of its kind in the industry and be artistic and creative for all women. (B) M.A.C needs to constantly work on their positioning statement to increase their brand market share via T-C-B I-D-U brand analysis by doing this the company can always increase the perceived delivery of the M.A.C lipstick. 4.2 Target audience The target audience should be broadly described as 18-35 female in the middle-high social economic class. These are the follow segments that M.A.C is enter in with their differentiation marketing. M.A.C divides the market of their lipstick product into demographic segmentation being female and a specific age group because over 90% of their users belong in this specific category. However the product is not limited to this demographic segmentation. M.A.C furthermore divides the market on the basis of personality being fashion forward, artistic and creative which is a form of psychographic segmentation. The buying situations in which target market purchase M.A.C lipstick (that were discovered form in-depth interviews) where; outlets both direct through online shopping and in-store department store (David Jones), benefits sought as in the large colour range M.A.C product provides.. The consumers of M.A.C lipstick are brand loyals, however they can be routinized favourable brand switchers as well this is due to the positioning of M.A.C lipstick in the Rossiter-Percy-Bellman grid.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Supply-Chain Operations Reference-Model (SCOR)

Supply-Chain Operations Reference-Model (SCOR) What is an SCOR? The Supply-chain operations reference-model (SCOR) is a preferred method for supply chain management required processes. The model enables to locate, improve and share or exchange information in and out of the acquired project.The contribute-fasten trading operations allusion-design was improved in 1996 by the conduct consulting resolute PRTM, now part of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) and AMR Research, now part of Gartner, and indoors by the Supply-Chain Council (SCC), now part of APICS, as the misfortune-labor de facto average generalship, performance contrivance, and narrative progress diagnostic bowl for administer bond control. Supply-chain network Operations process is an administration apparatus, spreading over from the provider to the client. The model has been produced by the individuals from the Board on a volunteer premise to depict the work exercises connected with all periods of fulfilling a clients request. Examples for SCOR model based companies:- Mobarakeh Steel Company: Mobarakeh Steel Organization is one of the greatest mechanical buildings in Iran with an ostensible limit of 4 million tons of hot and frosty steel items. The organization comprises of four noteworthy shops including direct decreased iron making, throwing, hot rolling and chilly rolling. The significant column material of the plant which is mineral stone is transported by unique prepares around 300-400 kilometers a long way from the organization. The items are generally delivered in light of the client orders. A portion of the key clients of the organization are administration focuses, car parts delivering organizations and pipe making organizations. The key procedures of the organization are deals, acquiring, creation, generation and transportation arranging and repair and support. Despite the fact that there are some spread data frameworks, the real arrangement of the organization which covers around 60% of the present procedures is Mobarakeh MIS (Administration Data Framework). Th e MIS comprises of 10 subsystems yet the ones more identified with the inventory network procedures are Request Passage, Generation Arranging, Creation Control, Deals Administration and Buying. Modelling: The Steel can be created utilizing diverse strategies for example, impact heater (BF) and direct lessening (DR). BF speaks to over 66% of worldwide steel generation. Figure1 speaks to the general BF steel inventory network. The key crude materials comprise of iron mineral and coke. A few sorts of press mineral can be given; i.e. press metal is mined whats more, arranged as think which are sold as isolate items. Steel items can be moreover delivered in various qualities and different moving sorts (pillar and bar et cetera) upon clients demand. In this examination, LP is utilized to model supply chain arranging and its administration in the BF steel industry. The model comprises of issue definition, suspicions, choice factors, parameters and files, target work, and limitations. Processing: In this review, the production network of three steel generation units subsidiary with the IMIDRO, which are utilizing the impact heater strategy, was considered. These units buy two sorts of iron mineral (fractionized and focus) from five accessible mines and furthermore buy the coke from one plant. It offers four steel item sorts to four entirety venders. The names of mines, steel and coke making plant. Final Production: The model yielded cost diminishment in supply chain components, including providing crude materials, fabricating steel items and dispersion. Since the limit of providing press mineral mines is significantly more than that of steel manufacturing plants generation, every one of the industrial facilities work at full limit. This recommends maker excess is utilized for the immediate diminishment plant and fare. All results of the Focal Iron Metal Mine are delivered to plants yet the buy of GolGohar and Jalalabad mines is not proficient. The SCOR was planned as a LP display, single-goal, multi crude materials, multi-providers, and multi products. The goal of this model was to minimize all costs identified with metal and coke, their transportation, steel creation and conveyance taken a toll as to upgrade profitability. Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH): Positioned as the top healing center in New Britain and second across the country. It is likewise the biggest healing facility in New Britain; it utilizes a normal of 58 working rooms, where around 150 surgical methodology are performed day by day. Administration of surgical supplies is a basic part of the procedures supporting this framework. In particular, guaranteeing the correct hardware and supplies are accessible at the ideal time is basic for the effectiveness and quality results of each of the strategies. The materials administration gather handles more than 10,000 one of a kind things, bought from more than 400 sellers. The dominant part (60-70%) of dispensable supplies are requested through Owens and Minor, a therapeutic and surgical supplies merchant. The provisions are put away in different areas all through the healing center, including two focal areas and also trucks and cupboards on the surgical floors and in the working rooms. Meeting Medicare Edges: The HIDA report records beat suggestions to drive the following level of inventory network reserve funds. Among them is tending to end-to-end inventory network expenses and refocusing endeavors on information institutionalization, which Spann stresses as one of his top arrangements. With a specific end goal to generally receive information principles, specialists crosswise over associations encourage making efforts to advance information institutionalization, fabricating a working group of specialists crosswise over organizations to talk about reception forms and distinguish necessities, and show how information gauges can prompt to cost investment funds. Between Day Forms: Stock levels over all areas are checked on every day. Every weekday morning, materials administration stroll through diverse stock areas, distinguish things with stock levels underneath their predetermined standard levels and note the amount that ought to be requested to bring these things to their standard levels. For strength things that are not kept in the focal areas, the ORSs make a demand, and materials administration staff will put in a buy request for their benefit. The greater part of nonspecific supplies (60%-70%) are bought through Owens and Minor (OM), a driving therapeutic and surgical supplies merchant that gives conveyance, and whatever is left of the requests are either provided via Cardinal (custom surgical packs, curtains and outfits) Every night, the working rooms stock levels are surveyed and re-loaded as vital according to the predefined standard levels. The lunder working rooms are loaded from CSPS and the Legacy rooms are supplied from Jackso n Supply. Claim to fame things situated in the spotless centers or strength trucks are restocked by the ORSs, and the nonspecific supplies in the perfect centers are re-loaded by the materials facilitators who stock the rooms. Intra-Day Forms: Each surgical case requires surgical instrument sets and expendable sterile supplies, the vast majority of which are picked and conveyed to the OR preceding the strategy on a devoted case truck. The rundown of things that are required by a particular specialist for a particular system is continued a separate inclination card, which is checked on by nursing staff a couple days before the methodology to make any patient particular modification. The explored card is the reason for a pick rundown, which incorporates all the required things, their amounts and correct areas. Pick records normally incorporate three sorts of things: (i) Surgical instruments (e.g., forceps, retractors) that are disinfected in CSPS after each time they are utilized; some of them are kept in instrument sets and some freely, (ii) Custom surgical packs, which are strategy particular units pre-pressed and sanitized by the merchant (iii) Independently stuffed dispensable supplies. A portion of the things on the pick rundown are characterized as standby things, and those ought not be opened unless required, to counteract waste. Comparison of SCOR in Steel and Medical Industries: The supply chain of the steel company relays much on the quality crude oil acquired to extract different minerals to produce different materials and needs use of heavy machinery to produce and work of labor to transport the finished product. Whereas in the Medicare industry the instruments that are used are to be carefully taken care of in a hygienic environment and ensure that the instrument that are to reached out to the patients must be in time and does not harm the patients health. Safety plays a major and have to constantly checked and enlisted about the quantity. References: Int. Journal of Mining Geo-Engineering

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of Alzheimers and Risk Factors

Effects of Alzheimers and Risk Factors Alzheimers disease (AD) is a chronic degenerative disease process that is currently affecting upwards of 5.3 million people in the United States (Alzheimers Association, 2010). This disease can cause physical and mental hardships on not only the client but on caregivers alike. In the following paper we will discuss the disease process including causes and risk factors, the effects on the clients activities of daily living, the challenges with social, family, spiritual and cultural life, disease prevention and treatment along with long term management, and lastly, nursing care and interventions that can facilitate the life of a client with Alzheimers. Because the disease results in cognitive impairment, psychological effects will be referred to throughout the paper. In order to grasp the needs of a client with Alzheimers disease, we must first understand the disease process itself. According to Mosbys Medical Dictionary Alzheimers disease is defined as, a condition characterized by progressive mental deterioration (2009). As individuals age numerous variations in the brain occur. Some of these changes include a decrease in brain size, deterioration of the cerebral cortex, and a loss of neurons that is dramatically hastened in the patient with AD. A decline in production of acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin is common in patients with this disease (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 970). These things can subsequently cause brain cell death which leads to rapid memory loss (Mayo Clinic, 2011). There is inconclusive evidence on where the impairment occurs when processing information in the brain. A recent journal article, published in Brain Imaging and Behavior, comments on this ongoing mystery and writes, [It is unknown] whether t he memory impairment results from failure of encoding, consolidation or the retrieval mechanism (Blacker, OKeefe, OBrien, Pihlajamaki, Sperling, 2011. p. 37). The etiology of AD is unfortunately still unidentified. It is known, however, that people with this disease actually do have a smaller amount of living brain cells than a person without the disease. Connections in the brain are also diminished and cannot transmit as easily (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Professionals have speculated many risk factors that they think contribute to a diagnosis of Alzheimers disease. The two most important factors include an age over 65, and being of the female gender. However, genetic factors, chemical imbalances, being of an African American descent, lower educational level, environmental agents (such as viruses like herpes zoster, herpes simplex, exposure to zinc and copper), and immunological changes are all also potential causes (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 970). AD is easily identifiable by its signs and symptoms which manifest in different stages. There are three stages that occur. The first stage is the early onset of Alzheimers in which patients will have simple forgetfulness and often will deny that there is a problem, resulting in seclusion. Stage two is progressively worse; the patient will soon become disoriented to time, place and events. In this stage incontinence as well as speech and language become problematic for the patient. The patient begins to become progressively more embarrassed and agitated. In the final stage, or stage three, the patient is no longer able to care for him or herself and is often unable to verbalize needs or able get out of bed without assistance (Ignatavicius Workman, 2009, p. 971-972). This stage of Alzheimers significantly affects patients activities of daily living. Simple tasks such as brushing teeth, combing hair and changing clothes are impossible for the patient to do. Because of their self-care d eficit, the patients family may have to provide personal cares along with ADLs and psychological reassurance. This can cause both emotional and financial stress for the family. Forgetting peoples names or faces can have a debilitating effect on a patients social life. Patients will often have little to no social etiquette demonstrated by screaming obscenities, playing with their own fecal matter and other aggressive behaviors as an example. Sleep patterns are often disturbed and patients usually take frequent naps during the day and are active at night (sundowners syndrome). This disrupts the patient and his or her familys daily routine (Ignatavicius Workman, 2009, p. 973). This type of diagnosis could likely affect their cultural beliefs as well. For example, cultures, such as Hispanic, strongly believe in elder respect and taking care of the elderly. Extended family will often live under one roof. For these cultures a patient with AD may become more of a burden to the whole family rather than a culture that might accept assistance from a nursing home or assisted living center. Spiritual life can also be affected. The client may no longer be able to go to religious services due to their potential social inappropriateness or because the family may have to closely accompany them. The client may forget, or find it unnecessary, to partake in practices that they previously carried out. This may make the client and family feel very frustrated. Whereas there is no known way to prevent AD, there are many interventions to prevent the complications associated with the disease. Since memory impairment is the main symptom of Alzheimers the client is expected to be very confused and disoriented. The nurse should be prepared to answer all the patients questions truthfully and keep him or her oriented by possibly providing single date calendars and keeping them on a non-changing routine. These things will help them to become more comfortable in their environment and be familiar with what is going to happen (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 975). Validation therapy is one way that health care providers can achieve both of these goals. This therapy entails the staff member recognizing the patients feelings and concerns without lying to them or dismissing the fear. For example if the client has already eaten breakfast, and returns to the dining hall expecting a second breakfast, an appropriate response from the nurse would be something along the lines of, I notice you are still hungry, I will get you another piece of toast. It would be inappropriate for the nurse to tell the client that he or she has already eaten because this may cause the client to become very agitated. The response does not dispute the client, but it also does not support the idea that he or she has not eaten breakfast (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 975). Caregivers should also promote self care management. Sustaining independence in the clients ADLs is very important for the client with AD and can sometimes help to prolong self physical management. The nurse will also need to instigate bowel and bladder programs. It is important that these clients are toileted every two hours and as needed. Incontinence can be very embarrassing for the client and anything the staff can do to prevent this is encouraged. Staff should keep the client well hydrated and may need to remind the client to drink often. If on a 2 hour and PRN schedule the client is l ess likely to acquire an injury by trying to get up and go to the bathroom on their own. Next, it may be helpful to regularly take the client on walks and to provide them with something to do. Be sure to minimize stimulation and ensure safety. As for long term management of the disease it is likely that the client will eventually need to be placed in a long term care setting such as assisted living. Interestingly enough, in a journal article from The International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry it states that recent evidence suggests that behavioral interventions and techniques are more effective than any other means of care including pharmacological approaches. They affirm that staff should be well trained to deal with these clients and that they play a huge role in the clients overall disposition and how he or she will cope with managing their disease (Ayalon, Arean, Bornfeld, Beard, 2009, p. 118-123). For some psychological management, caregivers should promote memory training and assist with facial recognition. It is important that they use redirection techniques and promote effective communication that has been tailored to that client specifically (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 974-978). Alzheimers disease is very complex and has many components to successful nursing interventions, but when followed can lead to great results. Two creative nursing interventions that we were able to come up with are (Pts. with AD should be involved in social interaction to decrease feelings of boredom, anxiety and decreased self-esteem. A possible intervention the nurse can use to help a pt. with AD is to encouraging the pt. to sing with others and help pick out music; this can possibly improve the pts. mood and behavior. It is believed that listening to enjoyable music during routine activities can decrease agitated behavior. Fun activities such as playing musical instruments ( triangle, maraca or even a toy hand drum) can be easy for the pt. to do and also entertaining. ) I am not sure what to do about the other one but with my grandpa we used to put a picture on his door to help him remember what room was his, but that kind of similar to what we talked about above. By 2050 it is expected that the prevalence of Alzheimers disease will increase to 14 million people (Ignatavicius Workman, 2010, p. 970). As healthcare providers it is important that we educate ourselves on this disease because it is nearly inevitable for anyone of us to avoid caring for a client diagnosed with it. In this paper we discussed the disease process including causes and risk factors, the effects on the clients activities of daily living, the challenges with social, family, spiritual and cultural life, disease prevention and treatment along with long term management, and lastly, nursing care and interventions that can facilitate the life of a client with Alzheimers disease.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Their Common Enemy :: essays research papers

Their Common Enemy It is known that a number of students dislike school. School is a big topic of conversation in every student's life. Some students enjoy the work but most talk about how horrible it is. Take a random group of students; have an open discussion on school work and you will find that students will be agreeing with each other about how stressed they are. The students found a common enemy and it brought them closer because they could talk bad about school and agree with each other. Just like the students who bond when talking about schoolwork, Linda and Willy from Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller, bond when they discuss money. "Well it makes 70 dollars and some pennies, That's very good (35)." Linda says this to Willy after she found out that his pay wasn't as expected. Whenever they talk about paying their mortgage they seem to compromise and have a healthy conversation. Usually when they talk about other important issues, they end up arguing because Willy has a short temper. "You shouldn't have criticized him, Willy, especially after he just got off the train. You mustn't lose your temper with him (15)." Willy has no shame because he will talk about anyone and not care. Talking about their mortgage helps them to stay together by agreeing with one another. Whenever the topic comes up, their moods totally change and even though they might not know it; they act as if paying their mortgage is their favorite thing to discuss. "WILLY: `Well, that's a great thing. To weather a twenty-five year mortgage is ------ .' LINDA: `It's and accomplishment.' (73). When they are almost done paying they are very happy and even Willy makes a comment; but he stops himself from expressing his true feelings. Why? Why does Willy prevent himself from being happy with the good things that he has in his life? He tries to live a life that doesn't exist and ends up agonizing. He should just enjoy what he already has and work with it. What ends up happening is that Willy becomes his own enemy so it's not about the mortgage or money anymore. He is the enemy and Linda, Biff and Happy are the one's that come together to help Willy be content. LINDA: `He's dying Biff.' BIFF: `Why is he dying?' LINDA: `He's been trying to kill himself.' (58)" Linda and Biff come together even more because of Willy trying to commit suicide. Willy is destroying himself because he is too much of a dreamer. Linda talks to Willy realistically and tries to break up his dreams.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

To His Coy Mistress :: Literary Analysis

In the poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, the speaker is trying to seduce his wife. In the assumption the mistress is his wife; she is being bashful towards losing her virginity. The speaker, which is the mistress’s husband, develops a carefully constructed argument where the speaker seeks to persuade his lady to surrender her virginity to him. In the poem â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, the speaker says, â€Å"Had we but world enough, and time†¦I would love you ten years before the Flood, and you should if you please refuse till the conversion of the Jews† (lines 1 and 7-10). The speaker is stating if they had all the time in the world, they would have no need to rush their love making. With all the time they would want he would love her from the very beginning until the very end. The speaker refers to the â€Å"Flood† (line 8) as the flood of Noah’s Arc in the Bible, which indicates he would love her from the beginning of time. Next, the speaker says, â€Å"Till the conversion of the Jews† (line 10), which would indicate the end of time. In the Bible, it is believed that when Christ comes back for his people the Jews will convert to Christianity. Therefore when Christ returns, that will be the end times. In conclusion, the speaker is saying if they had time from the beginning to the very end, his mistress is welcome to continue being shy. In contrary, the speaker and his coy mistress do not have that kind of time to spare, which is the reason he is trying to convince his wife to surrender her virginity. The speaker continues to argue that time is not in favor of his mistress’s nervousness or his age. For instance, he says, â€Å"But at my back I always hear time’s winged chariot hurrying near† (lines 21 and 22). In other words, he is saying his time is running out quickly. There can be many reasons why his time is running short, but according to the poem there is one reason he could be in a rush to make love with his mistress. The speaker says, â€Å"And yonder all before us lie deserts of vast eternity† (lines 23 and 24). â€Å"Deserts of vast eternity† (line 24) expresses his concern of not being able to have children, which would make him sterile. As men age, their sperm count becomes less and less, which makes conceiving a child nearly impossible.